In the opening track of my band Tremosphere’s new album, Becoming Creatures, I sing “try not to resist love” (Tide), then I repeat the thought several times throughout the song. It’s something that I didn’t have to overthink when I was writing the song. It just came out, and felt extremely appropriate with my state of being, and the world’s.
How many times have you refrained from saying something kind to someone else, by fear of being judged (“you’re too kind, someone may take advantage” - kind isn’t a failure nor a character flaw, taking advantage of someone is), or ridiculed (the supposedly weakness of kindness - a capitalist, patriarchal lie), or even rejected?
It doesn’t have to be this way.
In the name of Life is Tough, we are trained to be mean, untrue, deceiving. Untrue to ourselves is probably the most damaging imo. But, good news, we can count on the brain’s neuroplasticity and make a change.
How though? How can I retrain, rewire how I think and how I act?
There’s nothing as easy as saying “damn, I love coffee” with the most genuine sentiment. You do love coffee (I don’t, but you do). You could tell it to anyone on the street and online, for drinking coffee makes you feel so good and alive.
Well, try that, but about people.
In her SCUM Manifesto, my probable cousin Valerie Solanas wrote “the meaning of life is love”.
We are here to love. We are love. We are beings (becoming creatures, if I may - indulge me, thanks) that can nurture and support each other. We create. We are artists. We are beings of pleasure. We make love.
We Make Love.